Importance of Crash barrier Hot Dip Galvanizing

What is Hot Dip Galvanizing?

The process of zinc coating on steel and Iron is known as Hot Dip Galvanizing. This process is widely followed to increase the life of the base metal and to ensure that the base metal does not rust with time. Be it a fabricated or an unfabricated piece of metal, the molten zinc is used to coat the base metal at about 840 degree Fahrenheit while performing a Hot Dip Galvanizing.

What is Crash Barrier?

 Crash barrier is a strong fencing system used usually to barricade roads to avoid accidents or crashes. These fencings are made of solid metals acting as strong protection by the sides.

How does a galvanized crash barrier more efficient?

Galvanizing the crash barriers is the smartest option versus any other paint-on options. This process of galvanizing makes the crash barriers more durable and stronger as it gives a complete coverage. The zinc coat also makes the fences more absorbent to shock as these are abrasion resistant. Galvanizing the barriers also helps as the zinc coating grows parallel on the steel making the edges and corners the same thick. 

Crash barrier hot-dip galvanizing acts as an extra protection when a sudden major accident takes place. This is more in demand when fencing on the highways to avoid fatal incidents. 

Be a part of the environment

Zinc as being a renewable resource and available in abundance makes it more environment friendly option. Also, in the process of galvanizing the zinc does not lose its properties making it even more recyclable.

Crash Barrier is of different types including Roadside, Median, Bridge and work zone barriers. 

Galvanizers make it easy for you to get the safest and the most affordable Crash barrier hot-dip galvanizing possible. They followed a step by step process to ensure galvanizing done right, keeping it safe being on the road. They ensure the best quality of hot-dip galvanizing making it possible for the crash barriers to sustain longer in extreme exposure to the environment.

Inspection of the Hot Dipped Galvanizing Process

Inspection of the Hot Dipped Galvanizing Process

Hot dip galvanizing is the process of application of a zinc coating to steel and iron. The process involves dipping of both unfabricated as well as fabricated pieces of steel, or iron into a bath of molten zinc at about 840 degrees Fahrenheit. Galvanization is done to enhance the ability of the base metal that is iron or steel to last for a longer duration of time without getting corroded or rusted. It is precisely where the importance of galvanizing lies. 

Now, before the hot dipped galvanizing process a lot of steps are carried out to make sure that the entire process is carried out in a smooth and uninterrupted manner. In addition to this, utmost care is taken during the entire process to ensure that the intended results are obtained. The final step in the process of galvanization is inspection. Inspection of hot dipped galvanizing process refers to process of checking of the end product after the completion of the galvanizing process. The inspection of hot dip galvanizing process primarily focuses on the following two points. 

The thickness of zinc coating on the base metal 

The thickness of the coating determines the time frame of protection. Usually, the thicker is the coating of zinc, the longer is the expected life span of the base metal. Here are a few important things to consider.

  • Local coating thickness – It is the mean value of the zinc coating that is obtained from the specified number of measurements within an area of reference
  • Mean coating thickness – It refers to the average value of the local thicknesses on the different base metal pieces in the control sample

The appearance of the zinc coating on the base metal

The appearance after the hot dipped galvanization process refers to the visual inspection that checks for any sharp drops or points or any kind of irregularities. Here are the essential points to consider while inspecting the appearance of the zinc coating.

  • While inspecting visually, the coating of zinc must be free from any sharp points or drops
  • There should not be any irregularities 
  • No areas should be uncoated
  • Presence of any kinds of lighter or darker grey spots 

All the points mentioned above should be carefully inspected to make sure that the end product of hot dipped galvanization process are perfect in all aspects and are ideally suited for the intended purpose of use. 


Difference between Hot dip galvanizing and Boronizing-Tanya Galvanizers

Difference Between Hot Dip Galvanizing and Boronizing

Hot dip galvanizing and boronizing are two different processes that involves coating of a base metal or alloy to enhance its life to a significant extent. Both the process forms a protective surface layer on the chosen base metal or alloy but each of the processes are completely different from each other. To learn about the difference between these two processes, let us delve a bit deeper into each process. 

Hot Dip Galvanizing 

Hot dip galvanizing is a process in which the base metal usually steel is dipped into a bath of molten zinc at high temperatures of about 450 degrees Celsius or 840 degrees Fahrenheit. Before dipping, the base metal or steel is cleaned in a caustic solution for removal of dirt and then passed through an acidic solution for removing flakes of iron oxide. The base metal is further cleaned with the help of a chemical cleaning agent like ammonium chloride so that the bonding of the base metal with zinc can be better. 


Boronizing, on the other hand, is process of surface hardening of steel. It is a thermo chemical process for hardening the surface of the base metal usually steel. In this process, boron is added to the base metal or alloy where the atoms of boron are diffused into the surface of the base metal. 

Difference in Functionality

Now, we are clear with the differences between the two processes. Next, we would be learning about the functional differences or the beneficial difference between hot dip galvanizing and boronizing. 

  • Hot dip galvanization of steel helps in the improvement of the corrosion resistance capacity of steel of aby other base metal used. But on the other hand, boronizing case hardens the base metal, thereby providing even higher or superior corrosion resistance. 
  • Boronizing plays a vital role prevention of wear and tear of the base metal, thereby making sure that the base metal becomes highly durable in nature. Reduced wear and tear provide the base metal with great capacity to withstand any external elements without any kind of compromise in the functionality of the base metal so boronized.  
  • Hot dip galvanization only helps in the improvement of the corrosion resistance capacity of the base metal. But boronizing not only case hardens the surface of the base metal but also plays a significant role in improving the temperature stability along with several other mechanical properties of the base metal. 

Why Prashant Galvanizers?

If you are looking forward to premium quality hot dip galvanizing services or boronizing services, do not look any further and come to Prashant Galvanizers. With several years of experience and expertise in this field, Prashant Galvanizers have emerged as one of the top service providers in this field. So, for all sorts of galvanizing or boronizing requirements, all that the users need to do is to get in touch with the expert and dedicated team of Prashant Galvanizers for the best solutions. 

Key Considerations for Hot Dip Galvanizing

Key Considerations for Hot Dip Galvanizing

Hot dip galvanizing is a process where a piece of base metal is immersed into a bath of molten zinc for enhancing the durability and functionality of the base metal. After the completion of the hot dip galvanization process, the base metal is resistant to corrosion and hence appropriately suitable for the intended purpose of use. But the users need to make sure to choose a trusted, reputed, and reliable service provider so that the best practices are followed for the optimum quality galvanizing. One of the most important rules to be followed during the process is that the designer, fabricator, as well as the galvanizer should work together. An appropriate three-way communication plays a vital role in the elimination of most of the problems in the hot dip galvanization process.

To make the entire process smooth and hassle free, we have listed a few of the key considerations for the hot dip galvanizing process. 

Removal of Soil and Grease – Oil, grease, shop oil, and soluble paints are to be removed from the base metal with the help of a hot alkaline cleaner. On the other hand, soils like vinyl, epoxies, welding slag, and asphalt should be removed by grit blasting or other mechanical process of cleaning. 

Pickling – It is the process of chemically cleaning the surface of the base metal. An acid bath is used for the removal of rust and mill scale for providing a chemically clean surface of the base metal. It would be ideal to use hydrochloric acid since it is more environment friendly and does not affect the surface of the base metal. 

Prefluxing – The base metal which is usually steel needs to be immersed in a liquid flux for the removal of oxides and prevent oxidation before finally dipping it into the bath of molten zinc. It would be ideal to use zinc ammonium chloride solution for Prefluxing process.

Galvanizing – The prepared base metal then needs to be immersed into a bath of molten zinc at about 455 degree Celsius or 850 degree Fahrenheit to ensure appropriate metallurgical bonding of zinc to the base metal. 

Finishing – Once the metal is withdrawn from the molten zinc bath, it is essential to remove the excess zinc by draining, vibrating, or centrifuging. Next, it is important to cool the galvanized item in air or by quenching in water. The air quenching process takes a bit longer as compared to the water quenching method but it results in a much better surface finish, and hence an important consideration in architecturally exposed steel. 

Checking or Inspection – Checking or inspection of the final product is the ultimate step as well as consideration in the hot dip galvanizing process. In this step, the thickness and the surface conditions are checked for meeting the quality criteria. 

All these key considerations mentioned above would make sure that the base metal is appropriately galvanized. In this regard, it would be ideal to call in for the helps of a professional service provider for getting the best solutions. In this situation, Prashant Galvanizers would undoubtedly the ideal choice. With several years of experience in this field, Prashant Galvanizers makes sure to provide optimum quality galvanization so that none of the users get even a single chance to complain. So, for all your galvanization requirements, get in touch with the team of Prashant Galvanizers at the earliest. 

Tips on Powder Coating on Hot Dip Galvanized Steel

Tips on Powder Coating on Hot Dip Galvanized Steel

Powder coating on hot dip, as can be understood from the name, is a procedure to apply a coating of a special powder on steel that is hot dip galvanized. This particular coating of powder applied on the hot dip galvanizing process provides a significant amount of flexibility as well as a long life. It is precisely the reason as to why powder coating on hot dip galvanized steek has become so popular in recent times. Now, there are three of the major problems that are usually associated with the powder coating on hot dip galvanizing. 

  1. Pin holing of the coating – It is caused by the formation of small air bubbles in the coating at the time of curing or stoving cycle. These bubbles give rise to small craters, and are unsightly. At the same time, it reduces the life and durability of the product. 
  2. Poor adhesion – In the final step of hot dip galvanizing process, water quenching is involved usually in a weak dichromate solution. If it is not done appropriately, the adhesion of the powder coating tends to be quite poor, and hence ineffective. 
  3. Incomplete curing – The powder coatings are thermosetting resins that cross link to their ultimate organic form when they are maintained at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius for approximately ten minutes. The curing overs are designed to do the task efficiently. But if the curing is incomplete, the coating would not be perfect. 
Read more: Hot Dip Galvanized Steel

To get rid of these problems, it is of immense importance to follow a few of the most essential tips in this regard for perfect powder coating on hot dip galvanized steel. 

  1. Carry out the hot dip galvanizing process but do not chromate or water quench
  2. All the drainage spikes as well as the surface defects should be mandatorily removed
  3. Powder coating should be done within a maximum of twelve hours after galvanization
  4. Precautions need to be taken to make sure that the surfaces do not get wet, and ensure that the item is not left outside
  5. It is essential to keep the surface clean without any kind of contamination before the application coating 
  6. In case any contamination, the surface should be necessarily cleaned with compatible detergent or solvent before the application of powder coating
  7. It is ideal to pre treat the hot dip galvanized steel with zinc phosphate to make sure that the highest adhesion is obtained, and most importantly the surface should be perfectly clean before the treatment
  8. Before the application of powder coating, the work should be pre heated
  9. Finally, it is to be made sure that curing is perfect and the correct curing should be checked by solvent testing

Keeping all these tips in mind would make sure that the intended results are obtained. So, at any point of time, you are search of the best hot dip galvanizing services in Vadodara, Prashant Galvanizers would undoubtedly be the best option. We are a leading hot dip galvanizing service provider to make sure to provide the users with premium quality services. Moreover, it is recommended to choose a trusted, reputed, and reliable service provider like Prashant Galvanizers if you wish to get the best solutions in this regard.

For more information on hot dip galvanizing by Galvanizers, click the link:

Hot dip galvanizing for corrosion control

Corrosion is an electromagnetic process. Corrosion destroys the metal, the colour changes and it becomes weak, easily breakable. Steel is at risk when it reacts with other elements such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and bacteria, dirt. It forms rust over the metal and the duration of further degradation of the metal depends on the immediate climate in the surrounding. Hot-dip galvanizing controls and protects the iron from corrosion. 

Why hot-dip galvanizing?

It is essential to prevent the iron from rust. To protect, a layer or a barrier has to be created or added in between the iron and the atmosphere. Then only the iron will be secured from the harmful elements and it won’t corrode. One such process that can prevent the iron from rusting, corrosion, is hot-dip galvanizing. Hot-dip galvanizing acts as a barrier between the atmosphere and iron.

Hot-dip galvanizing process 

In hot-dip galvanizing, the coating of steel happens at a temperature of 449 degrees, absorbing properties of zinc which makes the steel stronger and durable. The effects of the surrounding climate and dust, bacteria are mitigated by hot-dip galvanizing. 

Galvanizer provides high-quality hot-dip galvanizing services. We are an experienced team of professionals that carefully conducted the process of galvanizing. The process of Galvanizing is complicated and it requires a proper pool of professionals to carry out the task. We are proud of the quality we provide. Galvanizer provides hot dip galvanizing services in Vadodara. 

Read more: Hot Dipped Galvanizing Services In Vadodara

Hot-dip galvanizing stages

As said earlier, the coating of steel happens at a certain temperature with properties of zinc. Before this process, it is essential to check the surface first. The surface has to be made adequate for the zinc to settle in and process.

After the hot-dip galvanizing process, proper finishing is to be given. Generally, we supply our products with the finish of Hot Dip Galvanized, Primer coated, Enameled paint coated OR Epoxy paint coated.

The inspection of the material is to be carried out. The things to be checked are thickness test, adhesion test, visual check, and uniformity of zinc coating test.

Corrosion is deadly for any metal. Rust is formed on the iron because of the immediate surrounding climate and the dust, bacteria. A barrier has to be created in order to protect from corrosion. The process of hot-dip galvanizing gives the much-needed layer on the surface that prevents iron from the climate and bacteria. Tanya Galvanizers offers top quality services because of the experienced professionals who follow the stages and process of hot dipping galvanizing in Vadodara.

For more information on hot dip galvanizing by Galvanizers, click the link:


There is a general misunderstanding among common people that every zinc coating is called galvanization but this is not true as there might be many processes through which a zing coating can be applied. Hot Dip Galvanizing is a coating which is formed after immersing a steelwork in molten zinc. There are however two different processes of hot-dip galvanizing which are pregalvanizing and batch galvanizing. 

Batch galvanizing is a process that is used to coat fully fabricated items and includes chemical cleaning of work before immersing it in the galvanizing bath. The item gets completely coated including internal surfaces if hollow sections. The thick coating also provides the best level of available corrosion protection. 

Pregalvanization is a process where you take a specific product and galvanize them through an automated process. Steel tubes can be galvanized through an automated process. The immersion time is less and after removal, steam can be blown on the bore of the tube which gives it a good surface finish. In the case of reselling, the tubes can be cut to different sizes which creates uncoated edges. 

Strands of wire can be coated using an automated process. The immersion time is very short and the wiping procedure is used to remove excess zinc and give a smooth finish to the final product. It is better to use a mesh of wires so that thicker galvanized coating can be achieved. The steel sheet is uncoiled and passed through the reduced atmosphere before immersing in galvanizing bath for a brief period. 

Read more: Hot Dipped Galvanizing Services In Vadodara

After withdrawing the sheet from the galvanizing bath a mechanical wiper or air knife is used for removing excessive zinc so that the product has a smooth finish. The sheet after galvanizing is recoiled before the stockholder and then it is uncoiled and cut for sale which produces uncoated edges on the sheet. 

Both batch and pregalvanized coating have different characteristics and some of them are being enlisted below. 

  1. The coating continuity in batch galvanizing is continuous over whole item whereas in pregalvanizing the cut edges are left uncoated 
  2. In batch galvanization, coating formation after galvanization is not recommended as it can damage the product whereas in pregalvanization coating can be normally formed without any damage 
  3. Batch galvanization offers a high level of sacrificial protection whereas a pregalvanized product has less sacrificial protection because of the thin coating due to which rust formation can happen from cut edges of the sheet 
  4. The coating appearance after batch galvanizing can be bright but variable whereas pregalvanized products the overall finish is bright without any variation
  5. There is high resistance to abrasion in batch galvanizing due to thick and hard layer of iron and zinc alloy whereas in pregalvanization the alloy layer is very thin which can cause abrasion easily
  6. The coating thickness in batch galvanizing is very thick as compared to pregalvanized coating
  7. The consideration of design for galvanization is required in both batch and pregalvanized products 

At Tanya Galvanizers, we offer the best hot-dip galvanizing in Vadodara. We offer both batch and pregalvanization and you can choose the one which suits your requirements and falls in your budget.

Advantages of hot-dip galvanized crash barriers-Tanya Galvanizers

Advantages of Hot-dip Galvanized Crash Barriers

There are various types of hot-dip galvanized crash barriers available in the market by various manufacturers. They are majorly used on the side of roads or highways so that there are fewer chances of accidents. There are various advantages of hot-dip galvanized crash barriers and some of them are being elaborated below.

A galvanized crash barrier is much more durable than any other form of painting done on them. This is due to uniform protection, complete coverage and abrasion resistance. The intermetallic layers formed on galvanized steel are bonded metallurgically and are harder than base steel. The top layer of pure zinc can absorb impact and is very ductile. All these zinc layers are abrasion resistant.

The zinc coating grows parallel on the steel which is the reason why both edges and corners have the same thickness as that of flat surfaces. The total immersion process furthermore makes sure that the tubular and hollow structures are protected both outside and inside. The uniform coverage ideally means that the corrosion cannot happen easily on the surface.

Corrosion Free
A crash barrier which is galvanized is corrosion resistant. It does not get rusted easily due to weather or any other external environmental factors which makes it look new and shiny every time. Hot-dip galvanization provides three levels of corrosion resistance to steel which are cathodic protection, barrier protection and zinc patina.

The steel is first isolated from the environment by providing basic barrier protection. The layers of zinc are tightly bonded on the steel base which makes the damage difficult. Cathodic protection means that even if the coating gets destroyed the surrounding zinc will still protect the steel from corrosion.

Zinc patina is a layer formed by zinc when it is exposed to the environment so that the corrosion rate is narrowed down and an additional environmental barrier is formed. When this layer gets fully developed the corrosion of the steel reduces to a greater degree.

Availability and Versatility
Hot-dip galvanization is available in almost all parts of the world and it can be stored easily for a long time before making crash barriers. The elements used in hot-dip galvanization are readily available due to which it is preferred over other forms of painting.

Hot-dip galvanized steel is made from the harshest materials available in the environment due to which it lasts longer. The corrosion of the steel takes place at a slower rate as compared to other forms of steel paintings.

Environmental Advantages
Zinc is available in abundance in water, air, earth and soil. It is essential to all the living beings and both steel and zinc are fully recyclable without losing their properties which makes galvanized steel a renewable material. The steel has no harmful impact on the environment when compared to other forms of painting.

Read more: Quality Galvanizing Services for Crash Barriers | Tanya Galvanizers

Thus, we see that hot-dip galvanized crash barriers have many benefits. If you are confused about whether to go for hot-dip galvanization or painting always choose hot-dip galvanization. At Tanya Galvanziers, we make sure that you get quality galvanized barriers which are pocket friendly and last long.

Hot Dipped Galvanizing Services In Vadodara-Tanya Galvanizers

Hot Dipped Galvanizing Services In Vadodara

At Vadodara, there are many providers of hot-dipped galvanizing services. However, if you want a reliable and cost-saving service then contact us at Tanya Galvanizers. We have always emphasized quality before quantity and all the services given by us to the companies have been appreciated. 

We do galvanizing works for both public and private sectors like railways, telecommunication, power etc. A well-organized and highly advanced infrastructure helps us in standing apart from our competitors. The sophisticated infrastructure helps us in providing quality products and services.

The services we provide include channel sleepers, lifting barriers, clamps, cross-bracing arms, E- brackets, danger boards/clamps, top channels for pin insulators, height gates and footbridges for the railways and items like ‘V’ cross arms among others. We have modern machinery, latest technology and well-expereinced engineers who produce quality products at customized prices. 

We also commission and install hot-dip galvanizing plants for our customers. We provide consultancy only to our trusted clients at present.

Maintenance of Galvanized Steel-Tanya Galvanizers

Maintenance of Galvanized Steel

Some of the tips for maintaining and ca ring for hot-dip galvanized products are.

  • Do not expose your galvanized steel product to environments where pH is below 6 and above 12 for long hours. Outside pH 6-12 range, the galvanized coating is open to quick corrosion. 
  • Do not roughly clean your galvanized product and try avoiding rough washing of your galvanized product altogether. Galvanizing protects the steel from corrosion by developing a thin barrier film of insoluble zinc corrosion products (known as patina) on outer surface of galvanized steel through exposure to atmosphere. Frictional cleaning removes protective patina and galvanized articles have to build this barrier protection again which leads to consuming more zinc. Constant irritational cleaning will consume zinc more quickly and reduce the life of the product.
  • Galvanizing should be cleaned by using alkaline-based cleaners with pH of 12 or lower, water-based emulsifiers or organic solvents. The area should be rinsed with fresh water and wiped clean with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid direct contact of galvanized steel products with dissimilar metals, like copper and brass, in corrosive environments. In case of dissimilar metals being used together make sure that there is an insulator between dissimilar metal and galvanized products.
  • If a galvanizing product is situated in a highly corrosive environment like heavy, coastal, industrial, etc the product should be rinsed with potable water regularly under sheltered conditions.
  • Do not store a galvanized product for a long time in a damp and poorly ventilated condition. The storage location should be dry with effective ventilation.
  • In case of physical damage to the galvanized coating of the product, the damaged area should be repaired in accordance with AS/NZS 4680.

Cleaning Galvanized Steel 

While building or renovation, cement and mortar can be dropped on galvanized steel which is very difficult to remove once hardened. Remove large parts of deposit as close to surface as practicable, after that oxalic acid can be used to remove all the remnants from galvanized steel which should be followed with rinsing. Other acids are effective on mortar or cement, but they are very aggressive on zinc and are not recommended.

Paints, like graffiti, should be removed by thinners. If scraping is required, you can use plastic or wooden scrapers. In case the paint is wet or fresh, normal thinners can be used. Once the paint gets hardened, a non-alkaline stripper can be used. Rinsing is important to remove residues that cause discoloration later or encourage corrosion.

Mild stains can be removed by using common household ammonia cleaners and being sure to rinse the galvanized article with fresh water afterward.

Water draining of other adjacent steelwork which is rusting can flow on galvanized steel and cause brown stain. It can be treated by using commercial oxalic acid or proprietary solution which is generally used for descaling pots and pans. Rinsing with water is important to remove corrosive residues of cleaner.

In order to generally clean bulk contaminants like dirt and dust ordinary laundry soaps can be used. For stubborn or large areas, the use of low-pressure wash in collaboration with cleaning materials like car or truck wash or pure water are effective. Truck and car cleaners minimize corrosion on vehicles metallic parts and are suitable for use on galvanized steel. It is important that the steel is washed down with fresh water after cleaning.