Hot Dipped Galvanizing Services In Vadodara-Tanya Galvanizers

Hot Dipped Galvanizing Services In Vadodara

At Vadodara, there are many providers of hot-dipped galvanizing services. However, if you want a reliable and cost-saving service then contact us at Tanya Galvanizers. We have always emphasized quality before quantity and all the services given by us to the companies have been appreciated. 

We do galvanizing works for both public and private sectors like railways, telecommunication, power etc. A well-organized and highly advanced infrastructure helps us in standing apart from our competitors. The sophisticated infrastructure helps us in providing quality products and services.

The services we provide include channel sleepers, lifting barriers, clamps, cross-bracing arms, E- brackets, danger boards/clamps, top channels for pin insulators, height gates and footbridges for the railways and items like ‘V’ cross arms among others. We have modern machinery, latest technology and well-expereinced engineers who produce quality products at customized prices. 

We also commission and install hot-dip galvanizing plants for our customers. We provide consultancy only to our trusted clients at present.

Maintenance of Galvanized Steel-Tanya Galvanizers

Maintenance of Galvanized Steel

Some of the tips for maintaining and ca ring for hot-dip galvanized products are.

  • Do not expose your galvanized steel product to environments where pH is below 6 and above 12 for long hours. Outside pH 6-12 range, the galvanized coating is open to quick corrosion. 
  • Do not roughly clean your galvanized product and try avoiding rough washing of your galvanized product altogether. Galvanizing protects the steel from corrosion by developing a thin barrier film of insoluble zinc corrosion products (known as patina) on outer surface of galvanized steel through exposure to atmosphere. Frictional cleaning removes protective patina and galvanized articles have to build this barrier protection again which leads to consuming more zinc. Constant irritational cleaning will consume zinc more quickly and reduce the life of the product.
  • Galvanizing should be cleaned by using alkaline-based cleaners with pH of 12 or lower, water-based emulsifiers or organic solvents. The area should be rinsed with fresh water and wiped clean with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid direct contact of galvanized steel products with dissimilar metals, like copper and brass, in corrosive environments. In case of dissimilar metals being used together make sure that there is an insulator between dissimilar metal and galvanized products.
  • If a galvanizing product is situated in a highly corrosive environment like heavy, coastal, industrial, etc the product should be rinsed with potable water regularly under sheltered conditions.
  • Do not store a galvanized product for a long time in a damp and poorly ventilated condition. The storage location should be dry with effective ventilation.
  • In case of physical damage to the galvanized coating of the product, the damaged area should be repaired in accordance with AS/NZS 4680.

Cleaning Galvanized Steel 

While building or renovation, cement and mortar can be dropped on galvanized steel which is very difficult to remove once hardened. Remove large parts of deposit as close to surface as practicable, after that oxalic acid can be used to remove all the remnants from galvanized steel which should be followed with rinsing. Other acids are effective on mortar or cement, but they are very aggressive on zinc and are not recommended.

Paints, like graffiti, should be removed by thinners. If scraping is required, you can use plastic or wooden scrapers. In case the paint is wet or fresh, normal thinners can be used. Once the paint gets hardened, a non-alkaline stripper can be used. Rinsing is important to remove residues that cause discoloration later or encourage corrosion.

Mild stains can be removed by using common household ammonia cleaners and being sure to rinse the galvanized article with fresh water afterward.

Water draining of other adjacent steelwork which is rusting can flow on galvanized steel and cause brown stain. It can be treated by using commercial oxalic acid or proprietary solution which is generally used for descaling pots and pans. Rinsing with water is important to remove corrosive residues of cleaner.

In order to generally clean bulk contaminants like dirt and dust ordinary laundry soaps can be used. For stubborn or large areas, the use of low-pressure wash in collaboration with cleaning materials like car or truck wash or pure water are effective. Truck and car cleaners minimize corrosion on vehicles metallic parts and are suitable for use on galvanized steel. It is important that the steel is washed down with fresh water after cleaning.

Importance Of Inspection Of Hot Dip Galvanized Products-Tanya Galvanizers

Importance Of Inspection Of Hot Dip Galvanized Products

In today’s time protection is a must. The surroundings are getting challenging with each passing day. Although, the realization of the protective shield on things that are always exposed to the outer world is from our ancient past. Hence, way back in 17th-century scientist and researchers started their work towards protecting even metals from weathers. One such protection shield found was the process of Galvanizing. One of the best processes on galvanizing is hot-dip method. The hot-dip galvanization is a very popular and successful method.

The purpose of galvanizing was to create a protective shield through zinc coating on steel. The exposure of steel can be up to 200-degree temperature and will still be strong due to galvanizing. Metals have a tendency to get rusted with extensive exposure to weather and hence creating a protective shield is one such critical requirements. As mentioned before hot-dip galvanizing is the preferred method. In this method, coating happens at a temperature of around 449 degrees. At this level of temperature when steel goes through that heat, it also absorbs few properties of zinc, making it stronger.

The process is quite assuring as it sounds and further reassuring on effective inspection. Before the coating, the steel has to be well prepared which decides the future strength of the coating. It is like when you have to polish your shoes you need to first clean them and then polish. In the same way, cleaning of steel is primary for a longer future and ensuring the efforts are worth it. Although, the coating life always depends on the amount of exposure of the metal. One can ascertain these details based on the standards that are available.

While doing inspection there are few things to consider is the uniformity of the coating. When the coating is not done in required temperature many times it has cracks. Also when steel is not cleaned properly it will result in bumps through the metal, which leads to a breakthrough for breaking the shield. Let us list down checkpoints while doing inspection of hot-dip galvanizing.

  • The smoothness of the surface
  • Edges and cuts are well ventilated
  • Overlapping surfaces are well taken care of
  • The thickness of the coating be as defined or required
  • Continuity of the coating
  • Color and uniformity of the coating

The above are the basics of inspecting hot-dip galvanized products. The inspection list can be more extensive with the nature, design and type of the structure that is galvanized. Many time even the purpose of the product plays a significant role in deciding the type of galvanizing especially in products like jewelry and food graded stuff. You can always reach us to know more about the inspection details and the galvanizing process information.

Is Hot-Dipped Galvanized The Same As Galvanized?

Galvanization is the process where steel is coated with corrosion resistant zinc. The zinc coating prevents corrosion and in case the coating is scratched, the steel is still protected. Galvanization does not change mechanical properties of steel.

Hot-dipped galvanizing is oldest and most popular form of galvanization process. Metals can be galvanized in more than one method. In hot dipped galvanizing, clean steel is dipped in molten zinc and a unique coating formation takes place that forms strong bond with the steel.

The protective outer layer is more long lasting and tough than other coatings that bond mechanically or electrically. Hot dipped galvanized makes sure that zinc coating applied to protect steel surface provides extended durability outdoors.

Electroplated galvanized steel is softer as compared to hot dipped galvanized steel, electroplated galvanized steel is prone to scratches, daily wear and tear and rough handling.

Electroplated galvanized steel will last as long as hot dipped galvanized steel if it is being used for organizing socks in your closet. An electroplated galvanized bucket if left outside and face drops, scratches and dings will last than 70 years.

Both galvanizing method and the environment it is being used in test the performance of a galvanized metal. Electrogalvanized coating is made by applying zinc to steel strips and sheets by electrodeposition. The coating thickness is less than hot dip process but gives a smooth finish.

The steel used in car bodies is galvanized through electroplate galvanizing as decorative paint can be easily applied after galvanization. Zinc is electrodeposited to steel by immersing the steel in electrolyte a solution of cyanide or zinc sulfate. Pure zinc coats iron or steel surface through electrolytic action.

Hot Dip Galvanizing Services-Tanya Galvanizers

If an electroplated galvanized finish cuts the steel edges or gets damaged under the zinc layer it is prone to corrosion. Zinc product reacting with oxygen and water or white rust does not occur on smoothly finished galvanized buckets.

The advantages of hot dipped galvanized are thick coatings, corrosion resistant and sacrificial protection of zinc coating. The finished product can be used outdoors in all types of weather conditions. The method is popularly used in construction industry.

Thus, we see that hot dip galvanizing is much better than all types of galvanizing process existing today. We at Tanya Galvanizers provide services in various public sectors and our latest machinery and technology gives you quality products at reasonable price.

Painting A Steel Surface Vs Hot Dip Galvanization To Protect Against Corrosion-Tanya Galvanizers

Painting A Steel Surface Vs Hot Dip Galvanization To Protect Against Corrosion

Hot dip galvanized steel is a steel covered in zinc coating to protect the steel from corrosion. In the galvanizing process, the steel is cleaned and dipped in a bath of molten zinc solution at temperature of approximately 450 degrees.

Liquid zinc sticks to the metal and when the metal is pulled out of bath the zinc gets hardened. As a result there is a really hard outer coating of zinc which protects the inner steel core from corrosion and other types of moisture.

  • Barrier Protection

Barrier protection is the oldest and widely used method for protection against corrosion. It isolates the base metal from the environment. Just like paints, hot dip galvanizing coating provides barrier protection to steel. As long as the barrier is intact, there is no corrosion and the steel is protected. If the barrier gets breached, the corrosion starts.

Two most important properties of barrier protection are abrasion resistance and adhesion to base metal. The impervious and tightly bonded nature of zinc makes galvanizing a good barrier coating. Coating like paint which have pin holes can be penetrated by elements which causes rapid under film corrosion.

  • Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection is an effective way for protection against corrosion. It requires changing an element of corrosion circuit by introducing a new corrosion element which ensures that the base metal becomes cathodic element of the circuit.

In case of hot dip galvanizing zinc will either corrode or protect to protect the underlying base steel. The cathodic protection ensures that even if the coating gets damaged to the point bare exposed steel, no corrosion will start until the surrounding zinc gets consumed.

  • Zinc Patina

Zinc patina protects zinc coating unlike cathodic and barrier protection which resist corrosion to steel. Zinc begins to corrode when exposed to atmosphere like all metals. Freshly galvanized steel can naturally wither when exposed to dry and wet cycles in the environment.

Fully developed zinc patina is passive and stable film that sticks to the zinc surface and is not soluble to water so it does not get washed off in rain or snow. Zinc patina gets corroded very slowly and protects galvanized coating underneath which brings down the corrosion rate of the steel in the same environment.

As the development of zinc patina takes place, galvanized coating turns in a matte grey color. Zinc patina formation is very important in long-lasting corrosion resistance of hot-dip galvanizing.

Hot dip galvanized coating is resistant to mechanical stress. The resistance is twenty times higher than resistance of PVC coatings and epoxy dust coatings and eight times higher than resistance of epoxy coatings.

One of the advantages of hot-dip galvanizing is there is no doubt about quality as you cannot apply zinc coating to an unclean steel surface while it is possible on the other hand when applying paint.

One of the advantages of hot-dip galvanizing is there is no doubt about quality as you cannot apply zinc coating to an unclean steel surface while it is possible on the other hand when applying paint.

Read more: Can Galvanized Steel be Painted? Precautions to Take

Thus, hot dip galvanizing is a far more lasting and better solution than paint to protect the corrosion of steel surfaces.

Materials Suitable for Hot Dip Galvanizing-Tanya Galvanizers

Materials Suitable for Hot Dip Galvanizing

Hot dip galvanizing process refers to the process of coating the base metal with zinc by dipping the base metal into a bath of molten zinc so as to enhance the durability of the base metal and at the same time prevent it from corrosion. Now, at the time when the decision for galvanizing is finally made, it is to be made sure that the base metal should be appropriately fabricated for high quality galvanizing. There are a number of rules that are required to be followed for perfectly designing the base metal for galvanizing. These rules when applied provides the intended results and ensures maximum protection from corrosion. In an addition to this, following the rules properly also makes sure that the galvanizing personnel is safe, cost of coating is lowered and certainly produces the best quality galvanizing.

At the time of hot dip galvanizing, it is to be made a point that the designer, fabricator as well as the galvanizer should necessarily work together. The proper communication between these three ensures that a wide range of problems during the entire process getting eliminated. Here is a list of the few major steps to be taken in this regard.

  • Removal of soil and grease from the base metal
  • Pickling of the base metal to remove the rust from its surface
  • Fluxing of the base metal for the removal of oxides for the prevention of oxidation prior to dipping into molten zinc
  • Now, galvanizing is done where the base metal is dipped into a bath of molten zinc to form the coating of zinc
  • Then comes the finishing step where the base metal is withdrawn from the bath and the excess zinc is removed by draining by vibrating and for the smaller pieces by centrifuging.
  • Finally, inspection is done to check for any imperfections

Materials Suitable

Almost all of the ferrous materials are suitable for the purpose of hot dip galvanizing. The structural steel metals including the high strength low allow materials are hot dip galvanized after fabrication for obtaining the long lasting protection by the zinc coating.

Here is a list of materials that are suitable for hot dip galvanizing.

  • Cast iron
  • Cast steels
  • Malleable iron
  • Hot and cold rolled steels

Though most of the ferrous materials are suitable for being hot dip galvanized, the characteristics of the galvanized coating so formed is a function of the chemical composition of the material. A reaction between the steel and the molten zinc is the basis of hot dip galvanization which results in the formation of layers of alloy of zinc and iron.

Read more: Hot Dip Galvanizing Process followed at Tanya Galvanizers Vadodara

Why Tanya Galvanizers?

At any point of time, you are looking forward to the premium quality hot dip galvanization services, then Tanya Galvanizers would be the most appropriate choice in this regard. With several years of experience in this field, we aim to offer best hot dip galvanization services so as ensure complete satisfaction among each of the users opting for the same.

Hot Dip Galvanizing Process followed at Tanya Galvanizers Vadodara

Hot Dip Galvanizing Process followed at Tanya Galvanizers Vadodara

Tanya Galvanizers is one of the most trusted, reputed and reliable hot dip galvanizing service providers. The popularity and fame of Tanya Galvanizers can be very well understood since Tanya Galvanizers are the most sought after service provider at the time when it comes to hot dip galvanizing services. But still there are a number of people who are not sure about the exact hot dip galvanizing process followed at Tanya Galvanizers. For them here we have stated the process in details so that all the users are totally clear about the process so followed at the time of hot dip galvanizing by Tanya Galvanizers.

The Process of Hot Dip Galvanizing – Tanya Galvanizers

We all know that hot dip galvanizing is a process of applying a coating of metal on the base material so as to increase the durability, functionality and corrosion resistive power of the base material. In the process of hot dip galvanization, Tanya Galvanizers makes use of a proprietary formulation of the molten metals which necessarily produces the most consistent coating thickness on the base material thereby creating an even as well as enduring finish. So, let us learn about the complete process of hot dip galvanizing at Tanya Galvanizers.

It all Starts with Preparation

The base material so arriving at Tanya Galvanizers which is usually steel first goes through a process of thorough inspection. This is to make sure that the drainage as well as the venting requirements are effectively met. Once the steel is in the staging area, it is handled with extreme care so that the transportation is done quite effectively through the initial process of cleaning. This concludes the process of preparation of steel for galvanizing.

Cleaning the Base Material

The next step cleaning which is one of the most vital part of the overall process of hot dip galvanization. This cleaning process begins with the complete dipping of the base material that is steel in a hot alkali solution for the removal of all organic compounds and dirt. The next step is the acid pickling process that helps in the removal of scale or rust. The ultimate step involved in the process of cleaning is fluxing which helps in the elimination of the surface oxides for the effective promotion of intermetallic development.

Hot Dip Galvanizing

As can be understood from the name, in this step the base material steel is submerged in a bath of molten zinc until the temperature reached is 840 degrees Fahrenheit. At this point of time, zinc reacts with the base material steel for the formation of zinc and iron intermetallic layers on all the surfaces completely leaving not even a minute part. Then it is taken out and cooled which concludes the process of hot dip galvanization.

Read more from our blog: Understanding The Hot Dip Galvanizing Process

Quality Inspection After Dip

This is final step for concluding the overall process of hot dip galvanization. In this step, the galvanized steel is properly cleaned after cooling, then weighed and properly inspected. The use of calibrated instrumentation in this regard makes sure that the quality standards are effectively met along with the thickness of coating, appearance as well as compliance with all of the specifications. All of these are carefully reviewed prior to the final approval of the galvanized steel being ready to be shipped. Now, you have a clear and complete understanding of the hot dip galvanizing process so followed at Tanya Galvanizers. So, for all your hot dip galvanizing needs, do not hesitate to contact Tanya Galvanizers for the best of the services.

Call: (0265) 2632517 / +91 8000842648

The Difference Between Hot Dip Galvanizing and Cold Galvanized-Tanya Galvanizers

The Difference Between Hot Dip Galvanizing and Cold Galvanized

Galvanizing is basically the process of adding a coating on any base metal for the purpose of increasing its strength, efficiency as well as durability. In most of the cases of galvanization, the base metal is steel and zinc is the metal with which the steel is coated. This coating of zinc on stainless steel readily enhances its strength and durability. This is exactly the reason as to why the process of galvanization is so popular. But it is to be kept in mind, that a trusted, reputed and reliable galvanizing service provider like Tanya Galvanizers should be necessarily chosen so as to get the best possible results in this regard.

Now, the process of galvanization is classified into two main types which are as listed below.

  • Hot dip galvanizing
  • Cold galvanized

These two processes of galvanization have the same ultimate motive of application of a coating to the base metal but there are some differences between the two process of galvanization. A detailed explanation of the difference between hot dip galvanization and cold galvanized are as discussed below.

Differences in Terms of Plating

In hot dip galvanization the base metal is dipped into a bath of molten zinc so that a layer of zinc is formed on the base metal where the zinc coat very strongly adheres to the base metal. This process helps in the prevention of the base metal from being corroded thereby enhancing its durability.

On the other hand, cold galvanizing where the zinc salt solution is plated on to the base metal by the process of electrolysis. This process does not involve any kinds of heating. This form of galvanization does not allow the zinc to adhere strongly to the base metal and a wet environment causes the coating to fall off very easily. Cold galvanizing is also referred to as plating.

Differences in Technical Terms

The base metal is first degreased and then followed up with a number of process of like pickling, dipping, drying, immersion in molten zinc & finally cooled in case of hot dip galvanization.

On the other hand, in case of cold galvanizing involves a process of electrolysis of a solution of zinc salt in which the zinc gets deposited on the base metal located at the anode during the process of electrolysis. The base metal so placed at anode during the process of electrolysis goes through the process of degreasing and picking prior to the process.

Differences in the Process of Treatment

Hot dip galvanization is actually a chemical treatment in which an where an electrochemical reaction takes place.

But in case of cold galvanization, a physical treatment takes place in which a layer of zinc just gets brushed on the base metal.

Differences in Function

The base metal is immersed into a bath of molten zinc which forms a uniform layer of zinc on the base metal that strongly adheres to the to its surface thereby enhancing the benefits of the galvanizing process since it resists corrosion, rusting etc. in a much better manner.

During the process of electrolysis in case of cold galvanizing, the zinc is deposited on the base metal at the anode during which is not at all uniform. As it is conducted in a wet environment, the coating layer of zinc falls off quite easily.

Differences in Emissions

Hot dip galvanizing involves much lesser emissions and the galvanized pollutants includes the parts of waste acid pickling mainly.

But the cold galvanized pollutants include parts of electroplating waste, waste acid pickling, liquid waste such as passivation.

Thus, it can be clearly understood that hot dip galvanizing is a much more appropriate and effective option as compared to cold galvanization.

Why Tanya Galvanizers?

At the time of looking forward to the best hot dip galvanizing services, no other option would be as good as Tanya Galvanizers in this regard. With their years of experience and a highly trained team of experts make sure that Tanya Galvanisers is undoubtedly the best when it comes to hot dip galvanization services.

Understanding The Hot Dip Galvanizing Process-Tanya Galvanizers

Understanding The Hot Dip Galvanizing Process

Galvanization is a process in which the base metal is coated with some other material so as to increase the durability, strength as well as functionality of the base metal to a great extent. This is turn is of a great help in enhancing the overall usability of the product. For this reason, the process of galvanization is readily used.

What is Hot Dip Galvanization?

Hot dip galvanization process is the application of a protective coating of zinc on steel so as to increase the durability of steel thereby playing a vital role in the protection of steel from all kinds of corrosion. This is basically the most commonly used methods of galvanization of steel. This process involves submersion of steel which is the base metal in this regard into a bath of molten zinc. Now, since the process involves complete submersion of steel into molten zinc, the coverage is necessarily complete both inside as well as outside. Thus, even if the steel to be galvanized is hollow, the protection is complete thereby making the steel more durable in nature.

How the Process of Galvanization is Carried Out?

The most important part in the process of hot dip galvanization is the preparation of the surface of the steel to be galvanized. It is of immense importance to make sure that the steel to be hot dip galvanized should be completely clean so that the molten zinc is able to form a sound as well as complete metallurgical bond with steel. Now, the overall process of cleaning and preparation of the surface of steel involves the steps that are as listed below.

  • Caustic Cleaning

The process of surface preparation of steel begins with the step of caustic cleaning. As can be understood from the name of the step, it involves the removal of a number of organic impurities such as dirt, grease and oil from the surface of the steel by a hot alkali solution. All the other unwanted substances like asphalt vinyl, epoxies or welding slag is cleaned by mechanical means.

  • Pickling

In this step, scale and rust is removed from the surface of the steel with the help of hydrochloric acid in an appropriate temperature. This step is vital for the purpose of elimination of rust as well as scale from the surface of the steel to be hot dip galvanized.

  • Rinsing

Once the process of chemical cleaning is wrapped up, the steel to be galvanized is then properly washed in water so that the transfer of acid residues to the following stages of galvanization is readily minimised.

  • Fluxing

Fluxing is the ultimate step in the preparation of the surface of steel for the hot dip galvanizing process where all of the oxides are removed and further formation of oxides is prevented thereby playing a crucial role in the promotion of the bonding of the coating of zinc with the steel in the best possible manner.

Now, once the overall process of surface preparation of steel is complete, it is then submerged in a bath molten zinc of approximate temperature of 830 degrees Fahrenheit which contains about 98 percent pure zinc. Then the coated steel is taken out and properly cooled and the hot dip galvanized steel is appropriately ready for use. With this. The process of hot dip galvanization is completed.

Read more:

Why Choose Tanya Galvanizers?

Tanya Galvanizers is a premier hot dip galvanization service provider where all of the users can be simply assured of getting the best quality galvanized steel. The dedicated team at Tanya Galvanizers taking care of the hot dip galvanization process is adequately trained and vastly experienced so as to necessarily provider the users with the premium quality service. In an addition to this, the experts at Tanya Galvanizers has the required skillset as well as the expertise to make sure the overall process of hot dip galvanization of steel with zinc is carried out smoothly in the best possible way without any kinds of interruptions or problems. So, at any point of time, you are in need of hot dip galvanization services, do not look any further and come to Tanya Galvanizers for getting exactly what you are looking forward to.


Tips to Note While Earthing of Cable Tray

Cable tray is basically a system which is used for the purpose of supporting the insulated electrical cables that are used for the distribution of power, control as well as communication. The cable tray may also be used as the Equipment Grounding Conductor or EGC and being highly versatile in nature, there is simply no restriction about where the cable tray can be installed. This is exactly the reason as to why these cable trays are so much preferred. The most important thing to keep in mind at the time of time of installation is the cable tray earthing. Now, at this point of time, here are a few tips to note at the time of earthing a cable tray which are as listed below.

Correct Bonding

At the time of earthing of cable trays, it is to be made sure that the bonding practices so followed should be proper. If an EGC cable is installed on or in a cable tray, then it should be necessarily bonded to each or alternate cable trays with the help of grounding clamps. Apart from providing an electrical connection between the sections of the cable tray and the EGC, the grounding clamp plays a vital role in mechanically anchoring the EGC to the cable tray. This is to make sure that at the time of faulty current conditions, the magnetic forces are not able throw the EGC out of the cable tray.

Avoid Grounding in Bare Condition

It is to be always kept in mind that a bare copper EGC or equipment grounding conductor should never be placed in an aluminium tray. This is because of the chance of electrolytic corrosion of the aluminium tray in case the environment is moist.

Using Insulated Conductors

It would be a very good idea to make use of an insulated conductor for the effective prevention of any kinds of corrosion. The insulation can be removed at the point where the bonding connections are made to the cable tray, equipment enclosures or raceways etc. with galvanized or tin connectors. In an addition to this, galvanized cable trays can be used for an overall effectivity as well as safety.

Why Tanya Galvanizers?

So, at any point of time, you are in need of galvanizing services, no other option would be as good as Tanya Galvanizers. With several years of experience in this field, Tanya Galvanizers would undoubtedly offer you with the best of galvanization services so as to make sure that the purpose is served at its best without giving anyone even a single scope of complaining. 

Get in touch with us call: +91 8000842648